Happy New Year 2016!

by - 05:16

I thought that the New Year would be the perfect place to start a blog. I have been meaning to write a diary for what feels like forever, but never get around to it so I thought why not have a go a blogging instead. At least this way I can record what I get up to in picture form as well as post snippets such as recipes/shopping hauls/beauty/fashion ideas all in one place.

   How I spent the New Year.....mainly at the beach getting soggy feet!

As for the New Year and resolutions I have decided to not put any pressure on myself to accomplish x, y or z but to simply stay healthy and happy. I want to improve my fitness and diet over the next 12 months trying to integrate healthy living into my everyday habits. I also want to try to stay positive by doing things that make me happy. This could be watching a film I've wanted to see for a while or tucking into a good book, just by accomplishing one simple joy each week should help me stay positive over the next 52 weeks!

So wish me luck....and good luck to all you lovely readers out there and your resolutions/goals for 2016, I look forward to sharing snipets of my life here in Cornwall with you over the next year.

Keep healthy & happy



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